全編描き下ろしのフルカラーイラスト集第二弾。 版画風、仏画風、染付風などさまざまなタッチの作品を収録。 いまはむかし、遠い遠いどこかにあった国が静かに絶えていくのですが、そのうつろいを垣間見ることができる一冊です。
B5 / 24P 2022.05.05発行 BOOTHにて販売中(*海外発送OK)
This is the second volume of a collection of full-color illustrations, all newly drawn. It includes works with various touches, such as print style, Buddhist style, and dye-print style. Now, once upon a time, a country that existed somewhere far, far away is quietly dying out, and this book offers a glimpse of that change.
B5 / 24 pages, published 2022.05.05, available on BOOTH (*Overseas shipping OK)
* Do not use my images without my permission